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Standing with Ukraine: Rebuilding to ensure a brighter future - Insights from the frontline

During a weeklong visit to Ukraine, DRC’s Secretary General Charlotte Slente witnessed the devastating impact of ongoing conflict on communities in Kharkiv, Kyiv and Donetsk. She experienced firsthand DRC's efforts to support recovery through mine action, shelter repairs, and legal aid, while also meeting resilient communities. The trip only reinforced the importance of integrating humanitarian aid with long-term recovery strategies to ensure lasting impact.

Posted on 26 Aug 2024

Written by Charlotte Slente, Secretary General

My recent visit to Ukraine was both a humbling and eye-opening experience. As I traveled through Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Donetsk Oblasts, I was struck by the incredible resilience of people living in the midst of this devastating conflict. Their strength and determination to rebuild their lives despite numerous overwhelming challenges they face is inspiring. 

In Kharkiv, I visited a site where our teams are working tirelessly to remove dangerous explosive remnants of war. I also attended an Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) session, where children as young as six and 11 years old were learning how to stay safe if they encounter unexploded bombs or shells. Watching these children attending these sessions and receiving vital information was heartbreaking but at the same time hopeful. It’s a harsh reality that no child should have to face, but our work is essential for their safety and future. 

In Sloviansk, a city that has been deeply scarred by the conflict, I walked through streets with rows of damaged homes and shattered infrastructure. Once home to 200,000 people, the population has now dwindled to 40,000. Despite these challenging conditions, our shelter teams are on the ground, repairing roofs and windows to help families return to safe living conditions. Each home we restore is a step towards a normal life for the population and the resilient families who are affected by the war. 

Our work in Sloviansk also extends beyond infrastructure repairs. Many residents are struggling with complicated legal challenges, particularly when it comes to documenting housing damage and securing compensation. Our legal teams are providing essential support, helping people navigate these complicated processes. For many, the legal assistance provided by DRC is a crucial lifeline, enabling them to reclaim their rights and begin the long and hard process of rebuilding their lives. 

Our work in Ukraine is not just about immediate relief—it’s about helping communities recover and rebuild their homes and lives. We must continue to stand with Ukraine, providing the essential support that will allow its people to reclaim their lives and ensure a bright future.

/  Charlotte Slente, Secretary General

One of the most impactful moments of my visit occured in Bezludivka, a small village where many residents rely on kitchen gardens to meet their basic needs. There, I met Olena, a young mother who has been living through the conflict while raising her child. Despite the hardships, she remains determined to provide for her family. With the help of DRC’s cash assistance program, she is planning to expand her small garden to ensure a steady supply of fresh vegetables for herself and her family. Her story is one of strength and resilience. Her garden, even though it is small, represents hope and a commitment to a better future for her child. A hope I see throughout the Ukrainian communities. 





During my visit, I engaged in discussions with government officials, local authorities, partners, and community members, advocating for sustained support and collaboration. The challenges are immense, but so is the commitment of those involved. Our work in Ukraine is not just about immediate relief—it’s about helping communities recover and rebuild their homes and lives. We must continue to stand with Ukraine, providing the essential support that will allow its people to reclaim their lives and ensure a bright future. 

As the conflict in Ukraine continues, our efforts at DRC are more critical than ever. Whether through demining, shelter repairs, legal aid, or psychosocial support, we remain steadfast in our commitment to making a tangible difference—one life, one community at a time. 

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DRC Danish Refugee Council in Ukraine

  • DRC has been on the ground in Ukraine since 2014, responding to the devastating impact of the war. Our teams have scaled up operations since the full-scale invasion in 2022, providing critical humanitarian aid and support to millions affected by the conflict.
  • DRC now has almost 800 staff in 10 offices across Ukraine from the west to the east providing everyday support.
  • With over 14.6 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in 2024, DRC continues to focus on the most vulnerable populations, including those in frontline communities. Our efforts are geared towards ensuring these individuals receive the support they need to survive and rebuild their lives.
  • DRC is committed to addressing the long-term effects of this crisis, offering life-saving assistance and working towards sustainable recovery. 
  • Working with international NGOs like DRC leads to more effective and sustainable solutions for Ukraine. Our combined efforts address immediate needs and help build a stronger, more resilient society.  
  • DRC emphasizes the importance of sustained international funding to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. With a requirement of $3.11 billion for the 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan, continuous financial support is essential to meet the needs of 8.5 million people. 
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