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West & North Africa

Central African Republic

The current humanitarian situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) is dire, as a result of years of armed conflict, weak state infrastructure, and a chronic absence of public services.

05 Oct 2023

Education under attack in West and Central Africa - 2023 update

22 Sep 2023

After years of crisis, small scale economic recovery brings hope and change in the Central African Republic

04 Jul 2023

Photos from CAR: Changing lives one shop at a time

31 May 2023

DRC scales up its regional response as the conflict in Sudan shows no sign of abating

16 Mar 2022

Practicing Regenerative Resilience of Agroecosystems - training video

10 Sep 2021

Statement: DRC Central African Republic

Displacement trends

Source: | DRC Foresight

Core sectors Central African Republic

Economic Recovery
Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding
Shelter and Settlements
Camp Coordination and Camp Management

Displacement Trends


EDPs: Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate
IDPs: Internally displaced persons
Asylum seekers: People whose claims for refugee status have not yet been determined
Stateless: People not considered as nationals by any State
HST: People living in Host Communities
OIP: Others in need of International Protection
OOC: Others of Concern

Source: UNHCR

See definitions here


DRC forecasts are based on a machine learning tool that has been developed to predict forced displacement (IDPs, refugees and asylum seekers) at the national level 1-3 years into the future.

See all available forecasts here

DocumentsAll Documents

Education under attack in West and Central Africa - 2023 update

04 Oct 2023

DRC en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre

04 Jul 2023

DRC in West and Central Africa

04 Jul 2023

DRC en République centrafricaine et au Cameroun

04 Jul 2023

DRC in the Central African Republic and Cameroon

04 Jul 2023

Mama Lucienne's story - IN FRENCH

03 Jul 2023

Why we are there

DRC currently works with displacement- and conflict-affected returnee populations and host communities in the northwestern provinces of Ouham and Ouham-Pendé, along the borders with Cameroon and Chad. Here, DRC works to strengthen protection capacities, multisectoral emergency responses in Shelter and Settlement, WASH, mobile protection response and the development of durable solutions to displacement challenges.

DRC supports economic recovery and Gender Based Violence programming in Bangui, where there is a large population of returnees and IDPs living in extremely precarious conditions, along with at-risk youth who are faced with significant protection and livelihood concerns.

What we do

Protection, Shelter and Settlement, WASH, Economic Recovery and Peacebuilding.

Working in collaboration with

Fonds fiduciaire Bêkou de l'UE pour la République centrafricaine
Fonds fiduciaire Bêkou de l'UE pour la République centrafricaine
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
OCHA Fonds Humanitaire RCA
OCHA Fonds Humanitaire RCA
Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance
Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance
Directorate-General for International Partnerships
Directorate-General for International Partnerships

