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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland

A set of legal analyses is conducted in partnership with the Rule of Law Institute Foundation (FIPP). For 20 years FIPP has been providing legal assistance to refugees and migrants in Poland. Since the escalation of the war in Ukraine, FIPP has been helping displaced persons in need of legal and integration assistance in the Lublin region. Since 2022, FIPP has been cooperating with DRC in providing legal aid, legalization and integration assistance to war refugees from Ukraine. The DRC-FIPP partnership specifically aims at assessing the holistic picture of the legislative frameworks, deepening knowledge on various topics related to temporary protection and asylum, as well as tracking changes in primary and secondary legislation on matters relevant to the Ukrainian displaced population living in Poland.

Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | October 2023 | ENG Nov 2023
357 KB
Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | October 2023 | POL Nov 2023
350 KB
Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | October 2023 | UA Nov 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | September 2023 | ENG Nov 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | September 2023 | POL Nov 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | September 2023 | UA Nov 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | August 2023 | ENG Aug 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | August 2023 | POL Aug 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | August 2023 | UA Aug 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | July 2023 | ENG Jul 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | July 2023 | POL Jul 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | July 2023 | UA Jul 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | June 2023 | ENG Jun 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | June 2023 | POL Jun 2023
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Monthly overview of changes to the legislation | Poland | June 2023 | UA Jun 2023
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About Legal Aid Programme in Poland

Legal aid is a part of DRC protection services delivered in Poland. Responding to the increasing demand of Ukrainian refugees related to a wide spectrum of cross-border legal aid issues, DRC Legal Aid Program aims to ensure a coherent and effective provision of free legal aid to displaced persons across Ukraine, Poland, Moldova and other European countries, enabling informed decisions, access rights and services and pursue solutions.

Timely and high-quality legal information and assistance is provided through DRC Legal Aid Platform, a virtual interface where people have access to legal information in relevant languages (Ukrainian, Polish and English) and can get in contact with required legal aid services, with the support of DRC Ukraine Legal Aid department.  


More information about the legislative frameworks in Poland at https://panstwoprawa.org/