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Middle East

Occupied Palestinian territory

DRC began operations with Partners in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) in 2024 after the unprecedented needs caused by the Israeli military offensive that began in October 2023 and the escalation of violence in the West Bank. DRC’s immediate focus is to alleviate suffering In Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem through a multi-sectorial response, utilising conflict-sensitive approaches.


28 Aug 2024

Press Release: GAZA - INGOs fear imminent collapse of humanitarian system

23 Aug 2024

Joint Statement: New Israeli orders force thousands in Gaza's Deir al-Balah to flee again, and disrupt last aid hub 

19 Aug 2024

World Humanitarian Day: The Deadliest Year for Aid Workers in Gaza

24 Jul 2024

Statement: International community must deliver on landmark ICJ advisory opinion

28 May 2024

GAZA: New crossing points and ‘floating dock’ are cosmetic changes, as humanitarian access disintegrates in Gaza, warn aid agencies

11 Apr 2024

More than 250 humanitarian and human rights organisations call to stop arms transfers to Israel, Palestinian armed groups

Core sectors Occupied Palestinian territory

Economic Recovery
Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding
Shelter and Settlements
Camp Coordination and Camp Management

Displacement Trends

Current location of Palestinians, based on UNRWA data

DocumentsAll Documents

Gaza Humanitarian Access Snapshot #4

27 Aug 2024

Gaza Humanitarian Access Snapshot #3

13 Aug 2024

Why we are there

The conflict in the occupied Palestinian territory predates the Israeli military offensive of October 2023. 

Since October 2023, the Israeli military offensive has severely impacted Gaza. The use of explosive ordnance in populated areas has led to significant casualties, destruction and widespread displacement.  

Gaza faces acute humanitarian crises, including people dying of hunger, water shortages, inadequate shelter, poor sanitation facilities, and increasingly limited access to medical care.

At the same time, the increasing violence in the West Bank has resulted in casualties, displacement, and damage to Palestinian-owned property.  

What we do

DRC is currently implementing programming in Gaza with Palestinian organisations, whilst looking to urgently expand to the West Bank.

Programming currently includes the delivery of core relief items into Gaza as well as the provision of online and in-person explosive ordnance risk education sessions to conflict-affected girls, boys, women, and men, and the implementation of camp coordination and camp management activities in makeshift sites.


Working in collaboration with

PARC, Agricultural Development Association
PARC, Agricultural Development Association
REFORM, The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development
REFORM, The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development