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DRC has been in Ukraine since 2014 and has expanded operations significantly since 24 February 2022 to deliver lifesaving assistance and emergency responses to people affected by the war. Furthermore, DRC is one of the key partners to national authorities to address needs for risk education, demining, and removal of explosive remnants of war.

DRC Ukraine, Olena Vysokolian

19 Jun 2024

Ukraine: “I was pulled out of a 5-metre deep crater” — victim of shelling

07 Jun 2024

Ukraine: “A shell hit our house, exploding just four meters away from our bed” ‒ Olena

31 May 2024

Ukraine: Empowering food security — DRC’s initiative in Ukraine's agricultural heartlands

24 Apr 2024

Ukraine: Strikes in Kharkiv damaged DRC’s office forcing temporary suspension of support to local populations

22 Apr 2024

Ukraine: Mechanical demining operations are gaining momentum in Mykolaiv Oblast

03 Apr 2024

Ukraine: Communities in contaminated areas face severe risks from explosive ordnance

Displacement trends

Source: | DRC Foresight

Core sectors Ukraine

Economic Recovery
Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding
Shelter and Settlements
Camp Coordination and Camp Management

Displacement Trends


EDPs: Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate
IDPs: Internally displaced persons
Asylum seekers: People whose claims for refugee status have not yet been determined
Stateless: People not considered as nationals by any State
HST: People living in Host Communities
OIP: Others in need of International Protection
OOC: Others of Concern

Source: UNHCR

See definitions here


DRC forecasts are based on a machine learning tool that has been developed to predict forced displacement (IDPs, refugees and asylum seekers) at the national level 1-3 years into the future.

See all available forecasts here

DocumentsAll Documents

Ukraine: Protection monitoring snapshot

19 Jun 2024

Ukraine: Quarterly protection monitoring report

06 Jun 2024

Ukraine: Overview of the legal updates

13 May 2024

Ukraine: Rapid GBV assessments

02 May 2024

Ukraine: Mechanical demining operations are gaining momentum in Mykolaiv Oblast (press release)

22 Apr 2024

Ukraine: Gendered Perceptions and Participation in the Mine Action Sector

15 Mar 2024

Why we are there

Since 24 February 2022, a military offensive launched by the Russian Federation in Ukraine has driven millions of people from their homes in search of safety, protection, and humanitarian assistance within Ukraine, in neighbouring countries, and beyond in wider Europe.

The conflict in Ukraine has caused the world’s fastest-growing displacement crisis since World War II and will require continued urgent responses to immediate humanitarian needs as well as investment in recovery and reconstruction. 

What we do

DRC’s coordination structure around the Ukraine crisis response is adjusted and reinforced to provide for sufficient attention to all elements of engagement. This includes a continued, adapted response in Ukraine, engagement in neighbouring countries, wider Europe, and in Denmark.

DRC as such applies a holistic programmatic approach in its Ukraine crisis response.

Currently, continuing to contribute to the emergency responses, DRC is developing strategies to respond to needs in Ukraine in the longer term, with activities in four out of five DRC core sectors:

Working in collaboration with

Danish International Development Agency
Danish International Development Agency
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
EU's Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace
EU's Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace
French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs’ Crisis and Support Centre
French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs’ Crisis and Support Centre
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
German Federal Foreign Office
German Federal Foreign Office
Howard G. Buffett Foundation
Howard G. Buffett Foundation
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement in the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement in the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
UN Refugee Agency
UN Refugee Agency
Ukraine Humanitarian Fund
Ukraine Humanitarian Fund
United States Agency for International Development
United States Agency for International Development
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
South Caucasus