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DRC established presence in Poland in early 2022 as part of its Ukraine crisis response. Based out of Warsaw, DRC is continuously developing its programmes to respond to acute needs and have launched emergency response activities at key locations across the country. These are primarily at border crossing points and in major refugee hosting cities where DRC and partners provide humanitarian assistance and support to Ukrainian refugees and the communities hosting them.

31 Jan 2024

New report: “They started beating us, used a stun gun and pepper spray on us and then threw us into the forest. We couldn't walk for three days because of the pain, and we had vision problems.”

13 Nov 2023

Poland: Four thousand kilometres long way to find a new home

10 Nov 2023

DRC’s support to Ukrainian civilians traveling from Poland to their hometowns: a glimpse into the mine risk education activities in Poland

09 Nov 2023

Poland | Open Place Krakow: Aid and activities for refugees and migrants

08 Nov 2023

Poland: Coping with displacement and being away from Ukraine

07 Nov 2023

Poland: Getting a second chance in life and a sense of hope after fleeing the war in Ukraine

Displacement trends

Source: | UNHCR

Core sectors Poland

Economic Recovery
Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding
Shelter and Settlements
Camp Coordination and Camp Management

Displacement Trends


EDPs: Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate
IDPs: Internally displaced persons
Asylum seekers: People whose claims for refugee status have not yet been determined
Stateless: People not considered as nationals by any State
HST: People living in Host Communities
OIP: Others in need of International Protection
OOC: Others of Concern

Source: UNHCR

See definitions here


DRC forecasts are based on a machine learning tool that has been developed to predict forced displacement (IDPs, refugees and asylum seekers) at the national level 1-3 years into the future.

See all available forecasts here

DocumentsAll Documents

Poland | Protection Monitoring Analysis: Selected Locations of Central Poland

27 Mar 2024

Poland | Pomorskie Voivodeship: Protection Monitoring Analysis

26 Mar 2024

New Voices in the City: Refugee Participation in Warsaw, Gdynia, Wrocław, and Lublin

24 Mar 2024

How is it going between us: Community dialogue report

11 Mar 2024

Legal Aid and Protection Needs of the People Displaced from Ukraine

08 Mar 2024

PRAB reports

31 Jan 2024

Why we are there

Refugees in Poland are primarily Ukrainian women and children as well as elderly and other vulnerable groups.

They face a range of issues, from having needs related to mental health and psychosocial support, child protection, exploitation, legal aid related to understanding rights and obligations, land tenure, lost documents, curbing tensions with host communities, and premature returns to name but just a few. 

Tenure security and risk of homelessness along with social cohesion are concerns, especially if displacement becomes protracted. 

The massive exodus out of Ukraine has caused a series of legal needs that will likely increase with time, evolving around civil documentation – such as birth and death certificates, ID cards, pensions, child custody etc. - as well as Housing, Land and Property, and Education rights, which will influence return prospects. 

What we do

As part of its response to the displacement and humanitarian needs in the region caused by the war in Ukraine, DRC supports displaced populations and the communities hosting them in Poland. This is done through partnership with national civil society and non-governmental organisations, duty bearers and other actors involved in the response.  

DRC has forged partnerships with 15 local organisations and three municipalities for the implementation of emergency cash assistance, and to improve access to information, legal aid, and temporary shelter.

DRC supports partners in providing protection services to conflict-affected persons - this includes in particular legal aid and counselling, mental health and psychosocial support for adults and children, provision of critical information, running of child-friendly spaces, and referrals to relevant actors and institutions.

DRC is also working to enhance protection monitoring focusing on identifying and documenting risks affecting people seeking protection in Poland irrespective of the border they crossed.

To create awareness of the widespread contamination of land by unexploded ordnance, DRC offers Explosive Ordnance Risk Education sessions, one of the components in its Humanitarian, Disarmament & Peacebuilding sector.

Working in collaboration with


