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Protection Analysis and Data Entry, Exploration Platform (DEEP)

In 2021, the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) endorsed the Protection Analytical Framework (PAF), a structured approach to conduct context-specific protection analysis.

This endorsement responded to the need for an agreed approach to protection analysis across the sector.

From October 2022 - July 2024 DRC implemented a Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) funded PAF and Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP) Project with the aim to strengthen Joint protection analysis and processes of Protection Clusters in five countries including Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Mali, Niger and South Sudan.

The protection analysis project included

The PAF-DEEP project aimed to build capacity in joint protection analysis. It used PAF as the basis to guide analysis and DEEP as a tool to support the analysis.

  • PAF is a framework that guides context-specific protection analysis. The framework is structured through four broad areas: the context of the crisis area, current threats to the population, threat’s effects on the population and existing capacities to address protection threats. More on the PAF can be found on the website of  Global Protection Cluster
  • DEEP is an online collaborative platform, designed for qualitative analysis in the humanitarian sector. It can be used for secondary data review, media monitoring, protection analysis and operational learning. More information on DEEP can be found thedeep.io.

A combination of in-person and online training, coaching and mentoring sessions and joint analysis workshops were developed to build capacity. Ongoing support to produce regular protection analysis updates (PAUs) was also provided.

DEEP allows for the systematic collection, organisation, and management of vast amounts of data from various sources. This is crucial in the protection cluster analysis, where data often comes from multiple partners and sectors.

/  Interview with country level project participant - PAF and DEEP External Project Evaluation

Read more - Report and Annexes

DRC Protection Analysis Framework (PAF) and Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP) Lessons Learnt and Best Practices Report
DRC Protection Analysis Framework (PAF) and Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP) Lessons Learnt and Best Practices Report

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