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Ukrainian Diaspora

DRC Diaspora Programme Ukrainian Response

Over 6 million refugees from Ukraine have fled their country due to the escalation of conflict on 24 February 2022 (UNHCR, 2023). The goal of the DRC Diaspora Programme is to strengthen and support Ukrainian diaspora organizations in Denmark and Europe with their activities supporting Ukrainians affected by the conflict and displacement. We also want to ensure a coordinated response in receiving and integrating Ukrainian refugees in Denmark. Since February 2022, the DRC Diaspora Programme has been supporting Ukrainian diaspora organizations in two main ways:

1) Ukrainian Diaspora in Denmark:

In Denmark, we have financially and technically supported Ukrainian diaspora partners to strengthen their organizational capacity with the aim to better assist refugees in Denmark and respond to humanitarian needs in Ukraine.

We have worked with the Danish-based Ukrainian diaspora organization, Bevar Ukraine, in a one-year partnership. Our objectives were to:

  • Provide financial support to strengthen Bevar Ukraine's organization and expand refugee activities in Denmark with over 1 million DKK.
  • Facilitate cooperation between Ukrainian diaspora and DRC Diaspora Programme to better serve the needs of Ukrainian refugees in Denmark.
  • Support to further strengthen the umbrella organization "Associations of Ukrainians in Denmark" (AUD), where Bevar Ukraine plays a leading role.

Map of Ukrainian Diaspora Organizations in Denmark

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2) Ukrainian Diaspora Information Protection Europe

Among the 6 million Ukrainian refugees worldwide, 90% are women and children (UNHCR, 2023). As a result of the war, they are at higher risk of exploitation.

The Ukrainian Diaspora Information Project (UDIP) aims to support the Ukrainian diaspora in Europe to provide important protection information and access to support services. Diaspora members are vital sources of information about risks against human trafficking. Their organizations are trusted by those affected by conflict and act as crucial links between the country of residence and refugees.

In 2022, we partnered with four Ukrainian organizations in Italy, Germany, Poland, and Denmark. The goal was to improve information about human trafficking, labor exploitation, and gender-based violence. Through social media campaigns, printed flyers and community meetings, this material has helped vulnerable Ukrainians to know their rights and where to find reliable information. The main activities of the project included:                                    

  • Diaspora organizations sharing protection messages and referrals through social media and in-person events, with support from DRC's Protection Specialist.                                                                        
  • Diaspora organizations creating their own information materials relevant to their local communities.      
  • DRC gathered feedback from the target audience by testing their information products.                        
  • DRC provided training on protection topics and helped build networks among the organizations.


You can read more about the diaspora organizations and follow their work here:

  • Sylni Rasom (Italy)  Example of information materials shared: Social media post in Italy here
  • Ukr Dim (Germany) Example of information materials shared: Article on hate speech in Germany: here

The Ukrainian diaspora provides protection information for Ukrainians on the move

Ukrainian Diaspora Partners

AUD: Асоціація Українців Данії / Association af Ukrainere i Danmark
AUD: Асоціація Українців Данії / Association af Ukrainere i Danmark
Bevar Ukraine
Bevar Ukraine
Sylni Rasom
Sylni Rasom
Ukr Dim
Ukr Dim
Об’єднання українців у Польщі
Об’єднання українців у Польщі



Protection Specialist