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Call for consultants and consultancy companies to be part of JIPS roster including profiling advisors and statistical experts

This tender is closed

The Joint IDP profiling service (JIPS) is a not-for-profit, interagency service that provides technical support to actors collaborating in the generation and analysis of displacement data to achieve effective durable solutions for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). JIPS network regularly work with consultants (independent consultants and/or consultancy companies) to conduct specific assignments. To fast-track procurement processes and ensure access to highly qualified professionals, experts such as profiling advisors and statistical experts, JIPS aims to establish a roster of JIPS specialists. 

Tender Package


  • 12 Dec 2023
    Typo error on the word experts in the title

Contact Person

DRC GVA Office

Sylvana Beatriz Maluje

Tracy Lucas


This tender is closed