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Consultancy for setting data standards for interoperability for the Joint Analysis Workspace (JAWS)

This tender is closed

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is hosting the Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP) and the Joint Analysis Workspace (JAWS), integrating qualitative and quantitative data with expert judgment in a collaborative environment. This consultancy will: 1) map current data standards across the humanitarian ecosystem to support JAWS; 2) define basic data standards and propose approaches for improved interoperability; and 3) co-facilitate stakeholder meetings to ensure collaboration and consensus among key partners and the JAWS stakeholders.

DRC HQ therefore kindly invite all qualified consultancy service providers to participate & respond to the RFP by submission of proposals. All further details, specification & requirements are included in the tender dossier.

Tender Package


  • 21 Aug 2024
    As there has been questions to the tender during the open tender period, all questions & associated answers are hereby shared with the market in public.

Contact Person


Cecilia Utas

JAWS Analysis Expert


This tender is closed