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Video: The Importance of EORE in Yemen

In 2012, DRC began conducting Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) sessions in Yemen for affected communities to raise awareness about the threat of Explosive Ordnance (EO) and promote safe behaviors to prevent accidents related to EO. Additionally, the sessions cover how to report suspected items. DRC's Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding (HDP) team currently holds task orders issued by YMACC for operations in three districts within the Hodeidah and Taiz governorates.

Anwar Al Sharef

Posted on 09 Sep 2024

Faten's interview

Faten, Humanitarian Mine Action Officer at DRC, explains the significance of EORE and the methodology behind these awareness sessions at DRC.

09 Sep 2024
Human Interest Stories Protection Consortium Supported by UK…
09 Sep 2024
Video: EORE Saves Lives in Yemen