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Rebuilding Livelihoods After Floods: DRC's Support to Fisherfolk in Rotriak

Fishing has long been a crucial livelihood for many families in Rotriak, Unity State, South Sudan. The surrounding waters have provided food and income for hundreds of households, including returnees from Sudan who fled conflict and displaced populations from areas around Bentiu affected by earlier flooding. However, the recent floods have severely disrupted this way of life, leaving much of the area devastated. Homes, crops, and vital infrastructure have been swept away, and the key income-generating activity of fishing has been largely halted.

Posted on 18 Oct 2024

A recent assessment conducted by DRC in Rotriak revealed that many families have been left without the fishing equipment they rely on to sustain themselves.

The floods destroyed most of their gear, making it impossible to continue fishing and earn a living. Without access to these tools, families have found it difficult to provide even the most basic necessities.

In response, DRC, with support from its East Africa and Great Lakes (EAGL) team, distributed fishing kits to 70 households.

Each kit contained two spools of twine, two boxes of hooks, and two coils of monofilament—basic but essential items to restore fishing activities and help families regain their livelihoods. 

The floods in Rotriak have caused widespread devastation, submerging over 90% of the land and displacing thousands of people, many of whom are returnees from Sudan and displaced populations surrounding Bentiu.

Families have lost not only their homes but also access to essential services like schools, markets, and healthcare.

Fishing communities, in particular, have been hit hard. Boats, nets, and other vital equipment were destroyed or swept away, leaving families cut off from their main source of food and income. 

For these communities, the loss of fishing equipment has worsened the crisis. Families who once relied on fishing to meet their daily needs now face severe food insecurity, compounded by the destruction of their homes and belongings.

Without the means to fish, they are unable to generate income or provide food for their families, pushing them further into poverty and hardship. 

This kit has given me the tools I need to provide for my family. Without it, we wouldn’t have been able to recover so quickly. Now I can go back to fish in the river and make money. 

/  Biel a displaced person in Rotriak

DRC’s Response: Providing Essential Fishing Kits 

To address the immediate needs of these displaced and vulnerable families, DRC quickly mobilised to distribute fishing kits to 70 households.

This initiative is part of a broader response effort aimed at helping the most affected communities in Rotriak recover from the floods.

The fishing kits, while simple, provide families with the essential tools they need to return to the water and resume fishing. 

Each kit includes basic materials such as twine, hooks, and monofilament, which fishermen can use to craft nets and fishing lines.

With these tools, they can once again catch fish, both for consumption and for sale in local markets, allowing them to meet their families’ food needs and generate income.

This support has been crucial in helping these families regain a sense of stability and begin their recovery. 

For many of the families, this distribution has marked a turning point in their ability to start rebuilding their lives. Fishing, which had been a cornerstone of their livelihoods before the floods, now offers a path to recovery.

With the income from selling their catches, they can repair their homes, replace lost belongings, and work towards long-term recovery. 

Biel, one of the beneficiaries of DRC’s fishing kit distribution, was displaced from Rubkona due to flooding and settled in Rotriak with his family.

When the floods hit, he lost both his home and his fishing equipment, which was his primary source of income.

With the fishing kit he received from DRC, Biel is now able to return to the water and start earning money again.

Nyajok, a returnee from Sudan, has also benefited from the distribution.

Before the floods, she and her husband supported their family through fishing. When their equipment was destroyed, they were left without any way to earn a living.

The fishing kit from DRC has allowed them to resume their work and ensure their children have food to eat.

Fishing has been a reliable source of income for generations in Rotriak, and by helping families restore this vital activity, DRC is not only offering immediate relief but also helping to build a more sustainable future.

As these communities continue to recover, their ability to fish and earn an income will be key to their long-term survival and well-being. 

In a region frequently affected by natural disasters, helping families maintain their livelihoods is essential.

DRC’s efforts in Rotriak demonstrate the importance of targeted, timely support in enabling communities to rebuild and face future crises with greater resilience. 

It's made a huge difference for us; we can finally get back on our feet. My sons will now be able to fish, take their catch to the market, and earn a living to support us.

/  Nyajok, a displaced person in Rotriak

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