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Rebuilding ecosystems and livelihoods in Rutana province

This project seeks to reconstruct resilient ecosystems and sustainable livelihoods for returnees and host community members in Rutana, employing permaculture methods into practicing sustainable environmental management.

Posted on 01 Jul 2023

Introducing eco-friendly approaches

Burundi, a densely populated land-locked country heavily dependent on land-based livelihoods, faces significant challenges due to the degradation of its ecology caused by poor land use and farming practices. The once lush hills, characterized by a rich and diverse natural biodiversity, have suffered as a result. This ecological deterioration has had severe consequences for local communities, particularly in terms of food production. Limited access to land, inadequate knowledge of effective agricultural practices and agroecosystem resilience design, poor soil and water management, and restricted availability of agricultural inputs have all contributed to low agricultural productivity and insufficient food production.

By introducing eco-friendly approaches such as bio-briquettes and energy-saving stoves, the project aims to address the pressing energy needs of vulnerable returnees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and the host community. These alternative energy sources will help alleviate the strain on the limited firewood supply while promoting sustainable energy practices. Additionally, the project's inclusion of tree planting initiatives will have a significant impact on environmental conservation, contributing to the restoration and preservation of Burundi's natural resources.

Moreover, environmental degradation has emerged as a major obstacle hindering the reintegration of returnees and host communities into society and impeding their ability to regain socio-economic stability. The reliance on firewood for cooking exacerbates these challenges.


Ensuring physical and psychological well-being

The main goal of the project is to enhance the socioeconomic, psycho-social, and physical well-being of vulnerable Burundians with a specific emphasis on environmental conservation. These interventions include:

Three steps to sustainable livelihoods:

DRC seeks to support sustainable livelihoods and market linkages by promoting environmental conservation and supporting reforestation initiatives through three steps that reinforces each other and enable transition-to-scaled programming:​

Training of HHs on the production of bio-briquettes and energy saving stoves through previously trained groups
Implementing tree nursery within local community
Identification and linkages of carbon accreditation initiatives with tree planting

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Area Manager - Burundi

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